07968710369 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
take AIM
takeAIM have agreed to incorporate Scienceposters as an
optional poster service for poster presenters in Cardiff on 5th
The prices below have been especially negotiated by the Take Aim organisers
Poster printing on foldable fabric - only £45 including delivery to Cardiff
We will print your poster on our foldable fabric - and the takeAIM organisers will also put your poster up for you
in the alloted space at the meeting! Our normal price just for printing and delivery is over £70 so the price
negotiated by the organisers which includes delivery to Cardiff is a significant saving.
POSTERS SHOULD BE SIZED 84 cm wide x 118.8 cm tall (A0 portrait) for printing
To send your posters for printing simply upload and pay using the form below.
The deadline for submission is strictly the 30
May 2025